the basics of
organic gardens

An organic garden and its produce is free from toxic chemicals. Your fruits and vegetables will not have a chemical residue, which if not washed off thoroughly, will enter your body. Organic produce has also been shown to contain more vitamins and minerals than those grown with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.

Growing organically is a philosophy of gardening that supports the health of the whole system. In an organically managed yard or vegetable garden the emphasis is on cultivating an ecosystem that sustains and nourishes plants, soil microbes and beneficial insects rather than simply making plants grow. It is a win win situation for all.

the soil

Organic soil is a crucial element in maintaining a healthy vegetable garden. The main component of organic soil is organic matter, such as compost, manure, or peat moss. Compost is the best option for organic soil; it contains microorganisms of previous plant life, which will feed your plants the nutrients they need. We recommend using mushroom compost. It enriches the soil and supplies nutrients for the healthy growth of plants.


You’ll want to start with organically grown plants and seeds. Conventionally grown plants are often already loaded with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organically produced seeds are harvested from organically grown plants, never treated with chemical pesticides or fungicides, and never genetically modified. Two of our favorite growers are High Mowing Seeds and Johnny’s Selected Seeds.


By keeping weeds under control, you have the potential to save a large number of vegetables. Weeds not only compete with your plants for water and nutrients, but they may also attract unwanted insect pests. Many insects spread disease as they feed from one plant to the next. The easiest way to control weeds in your garden is to pull them out by hand or use a trowel to pull the weed’s root out of the ground.

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