
Our maintenance crews have a meticulous eye for detail. We train our staff seasonally with the proper techniques and processes of horticultural care. Our goal is to nurture your garden to reach its maximum potential, so that you may enjoy your landscape’s beauty year round. Our services range from small pruning to large clean up jobs.

Mulch can give a garden a finished look by filling in the empty spaces while being one of the easiest fillers to maintain. Mulch is easy to care for and never competes with your other plants. Mulching around trees not only promotes a healthy growing environment, but it also helps to keep maintenance equipment from the trunk of the tree.

Schedule an appointment
scope of

Our services include: garden clean up, weed control, weekly or monthly garden maintenance, weeding, deadheading, cultivating, edging, dividing or transplanting plants and tree pruning.

All services are charged on an hourly base staring at $50 per man per hour. This rate includes travel expenses and all materials.

edging and

We use a premium hardwood bark mulch that is free from chemicals, dyes and synthetic materials. It is premium grade bark mulch, double processed and screened for size. This plant friendly, bark material is produced mostly from red and white oak and has minimal wood fiber.  It also enhances any landscape with its rich, dark color contrasting with the foliage and blooms of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals.

Copyright 2019. The Garden Market.